Breaking News
Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Info Post
Now that we've had confirmation that "The Hobbit-Part 3" is also getting made and that Peter Jackson will return as the director, all eyes are now on the subtitle will be for the third part in the prequel trilogy.
Part 1 is called "An Unexpected Journey", part 2 is called "There And Back Again" and New Line have registered not one, not two, but a possible three titles for part 3.

1. The Hobbit: Riddles In The Dark
2. The Hobbit: The Desolation Of Smaug
3. The Hobbit: The Battle Of Five Armies

Personally I like the third title choice, "The Battle Of Five Armies". I don't know why though. I guess it just sounds right for a "Lord Of the Rings/Hobbit" film really.


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