A trailer of Nolan's "Batman" trailer has been released featuring footage from 2005's "Batman Begins", 2008's "The Dark Knight" and this summer's "The Dark Knight Rises". The trailer is very good. It's not as good as the one shown at the MTV Movie Awards, but I can't seem to find that one. That was a very emotional video. Batman has been through some heavy shit in this amazing trilogy. No other Batman will go through what Bale's Batman has went through. Now I haven't seen the last one yet, but look at what he's going up against. He's fucked!!!
Here's the link to the official released trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lCjhLVTqctQ
And here's the link to a fan-made one, which is a true journey video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9xvQL0XtjNE
OH YEAH, and I just found this poster above online on some fan-made site. It's fucking EPIC ain't it?! I just had to use it for this post!!!
The Dark Knights Triumphant Journey Trailer!
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