Breaking News
Tuesday, 26 June 2012

Info Post
Next year has been confirmed to be the final year for TV serial killer Dexter Morgan, played by the amazing Michael C Hall. It was confirmed earlier today by the shows producer Sara Colleton, "We wanted to end it this year [after seven years] but the network convinced us that it would be best to do it in two years." She also added, "In some ways, this is a two-season series-ender. We have worked that out and know where it's going to end. Next year will definitely be the last year of Dexter. Absolutely." She then went onto talk about how it will all end for Dexter in Series 8, "We don't know what the final scene is, but we know where [the show is] going," she said. "We know now exactly how it's going to end."
I generally thought the show was coming to an end soon, wether it was to get cancelled or if they would just end it now or even round it off and end it at 10 seasons.


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