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Thursday, 21 June 2012

Info Post
Finally the first official trailer for "DREDD" has hit the net! Fans were given a teaser of this full trailer yesterday. It was only like 10 seconds long, but it was insane looking. So much was going on, well action wise and Karl Urban looked bad-ass as Dredd. 
Now after watching this full trailer, I'm actually not that sure if Karl Urban is right for the role of Judge Dredd. He's good, but not great. I really feel as though he's putting on a tough voice to sound tougher than he really is, whereas Sly Stallone, as much as his Dredd film wasn't too great, never had to do that with his voice. He also sounds like he's doing an impression of Batman. Also, his one liners are also sounding pretty bad. I don't know if that's just because of the way the trailer has been cut, but they sound as bad as Stallone's ones from the older film. I just hope they don't have Urban's Dredd say the law speech:
The film itself looks good, but now great. The trailer is a bit cheesy. I like cheesy action films, but this seems a bit too cheesy if you know what I mean. I will deffo still go and see it, but I do think the studio need to release another trailer before the official release later this year. On a high note, visually it looks amazing and they have a few "bullet-time" sequences, which are pretty awesome. 
Here's the link to the leaked trailer on YouTube:


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