(1980) *****
Jack Torrance is looking for a change of pace. He interviews for the post of winter caretaker at the Overlook Hotel, situated in a remote but beautiful part of the Rocky Mountains. During his interview Jack hears about the isolation inherent in the job, finds out that the hotel was built on a Native American burial ground, and is informed that a prior caretaker murdered his family and committed suicide. Jack accepts the job, and relocates with wife Wendy and son Danny. He's hoping to get some writing done, and believes the isolation and quiet will suit his purpose admirably.
Sometimes I find myself relatively unimpressed by horror classics, but this film is really a masterpiece. The acting, visuals, and sound work seamlessly to build layers of creepiness, tension, and horror throughout the film. I've seen The Shining many times, but found myself viscerally uncomfortable for much of the viewing experience, always a good sign. This was the perfect kickoff to Horrorthon 2010. Not sure about whether to bother with the 1997 TV series... has anyone seen it?
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