This film strikes close to the heart of many of us. Anyone who spent a considerable length of time and effort trying to avoid a bully in school. I know all too well the knot that suddenly erupts in your stomach when they enter a room. After school they stand waiting to harass causing that abrupt end to an otherwise pleasant day. Fortunately I only had to suffer the wrath of one of these evil brutes. The dreaded female man-beast with steel wool hair and a four inch gap between her teeth. The thought of her makes me shudder. Lucky for me she got transferred to a new school after making my Freshman year a living hell. The worst off were those certain students that seemed to have a huge target on their backs. Those kids who you can clearly remember getting picked on from grammar school on up. The Final revolves around just such a group of these easy marks. They get together and devise a plan to exact revenge on their tormenters.

The problem I had with The Final is that the bullies were bully enough. The wimps weren't wimpy enough either. I really wanted to feel like I could cheer them on but it just didn't do it for me. Without that sense of justification any pipe in the ass effect is going to be weak at best. I think they were going for more of a reality feeling. Although I can appreciate the effort, nothing beats a solid revenge flick with a satisfying pipe in the ass.
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