Breaking News
Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Info Post
The Amendment One battle in North Carolina is hitting inferno status. From folks shooting and pissing on signs to a slew of marriage commercials, the fight to define marriage has everyone talking.

Perhaps one of the most watched factors in this debate is the participation of the Black clergy. It's not a secret that the Black church is split on the matter. NOM and Vote FOR Marriage NC has pulled out all of the shiny anti-gay toys to win this battle and sadly, several Black clergy have taken the bait.

But if they would stop for a minute, they would realize this anti-gay fight is wrong. In fact, it goes against the practices they love to preach. I know they will disagree with me, but I would give them 5 reasons why they should NOT side with NOM and Vote FOR Marriage NC for Amendment One.

  1. NOM was exposed for race baiting. The leaked documents proved that NOM purposely wanted to divide our communities and cause drama. With that said, why would any Black clergy work with a group who wanted to create an divisive atmosphere? 
  2. And speaking of divisiveness, there are few Bible verses that strikes down the action. Titus 3:10, 11 says: "Warn a divisive person once, and then warn them a second time. After that, have nothing to do with them. You may be sure that such people are warped and sinful; they are self-condemned." Galatians 5:19-2l links divisiveness to witchcraft and enmity, and clearly states that anyone who is actively divisive will not inherit the kingdom of God. If these church leaders knew the Bible word for word, then they would see how NOM's tactics are not God-like.
  3. Black clergy should also be mindful of the true nature of Amendment One; it's discriminatory. No church should support anything that reinforces discrimination. To use the Bible again, those who discriminate  “judges with evil thoughts,” you can find that one in James 2:1.
  4. The wife of  North Carolina Sen. Peter Brunstetter, Jodie Brunstetter, was caught talking about one of the real reasons behind Amendment One. Supposedly, the anti-gay amendment was created to protect the White race. Once Jodie was confronted on this notion, she tried to cover her tracks; but the damage was done. Now, after hearing this story why would any Black church stand for this amendment? 
  5. Some of the arguments used to support Amendment One mirrors the same arguments to keep Black people from working, going to school, voting and marrying outside our race.
For the leaders who are supporting Amendment One, please think about why you're doing this. Are to trying to protect God's way? If God is God, he doesn't need your protection. And if you are trying to preserve marriage, well you lost that battle years ago. So, please get out while you can.


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