My Rant: LGBT issues in the State of the Union Address
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As I look out in LGBT blog world, I noticed some sour faces over the President's State of the Union address. Some are very upset that he said "gay" once and spoke nothing about LGBT issues.
But I beg to differ, I believe he did speak about our issues. The economy is our issue, being in the 99% is our issue, having a home is our issue and finding/keeping a job is our issue. We should not forget those issues hurt us too. I know folks were hoping to hear about marriage, but let's be real; marriage is not the overall deal. In fact, the majority of our (LGBT) community don't see marriage as a top priority. Job security has become the major issue. Now, more than ever people are trying to stay afloat in this country. Sure marriage equality would be great, but the need for financial and economical stability trumps all. Also, a recent study backs this notion, providing reasons why many in the LGBT community don't place marriage so high.
And just because the President didn't mention marriage equality, doesn't mean he's against it. I think it's ridiculous to read that he doesn't care or he flip-flopped. His actions has been in step with his promises, he's on our side.
Please remember, he spoke to the nation. Not just Blacks, Asians and Gays... The nation. The issues he spoke about are our issues. We need to stop looking drama and start envisioning hope.
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