A hilarious clip depicting what designers in the 1930's thought fashion in 2000 would look like. Watch for the headlight hair accessory....
I love the new Star Trek
From geekology, Ever wanted to see a bunch of Star Trek fans wearing nothing but funny faces and body paint? God you're sick. But also l...
Man Sought By Police For Sniffing Butts In Supermarket
From huffingtonpost, According to The Daily Telegraph, there's a man in the UK going around sniffing people's behinds. He trolls the...
Crossing the "Uncanny Valley"
[ UPDATE: I added "behind the scenes" images from Digital Domain; scroll down. ] I haven't seen Avatar yet, so I can't c...
Inception trailer
Box office report: 'Avatar' makes $75 million on Hollywood's best weekend ever
From ew, Hollywood gave itself one heck of a Christmas present this year: the single best day in the history of the box office. The weekend’...
Your Complete Guide to Saving Movie Theater Seats
From Defamer: "I'm laying down some ground rules about movie theater seat saving, because I'm sick of having the film ruined by...
Horrorthon gathering
Tonight come for a very rare meet-n-greet with Horrorthon's very own JSP. The doors open at 6 although I'm assuming that people migh...
Merry Christmas!
Sleeping Beauty's Castle Pictures from our trip to Disneyland a few weeks ago. There was Disney-sized holiday finery. Small World Minn...
Bill would turn down volume of TV commercials
Washington (CNN) - It's after dinner. You're tired. You ease yourself into a comfortable place to watch your favorite TV show. Sudde...
From thesuperficial, "Redbox, which operate DVD kiosks around the US, are dispatching teams to remove the Deadline box art from kiosk d...
Avatar (IMAX 3D)
(2009) ****1/2 The most relevant thing to tell you is that this movie is an ass-load of fun. Fantastic action, an unreal setting with incr...
Silent Hill
(2006) **** If you drew a straight line from The Matrix to Dark City and then extended the line along the same axis, you’d eventually hit ...
Some crazy looking posters